kombat.exe Analysis

This is more or less a part three to the naprava.exe analysis. Turns out the SD card holds many malicious surprises.

Again, this is a 14-year-old malware executable from Moldova that was inadvertently stored on a SD card.


Submitted the file to AnyRun. The file performs the following actions (with the respective timestamps):

+47msFile drops C:\Users\admin\lzmjqt.exe
+63mslzmjqt.exe writes a new shell key to WinLogon registry
+218msCreates process svchost.exe
+281mssvchost.exe runs file C:\Users\admin\lzmjqt.exe
+1313msDNS request to slade.safehousenumber[.]com
+121sDNS request to portal.roomshowerbord[.]com
+150sDNS request to slade.safehousenumber[.]com
+271sDNS request to portal.roomshowerbord[.]com

The executable drops the lzmjqt.exe. This second executable writes a persistent reverse shell to the WinLogon registry. Then the original executable creates a svchost.exe process. The svchost.exe then runs the dropped file. This malware then reaches out to its C2 domains — slade.safehousenumber[.]com and portal.roomshowerbord[.]com.

AnyRun captured a pcap and the DNS output is such:

The first request sent to safehousenumber (44.221.84[.]105)received a response, containing the following bytes:

The second request is sent to portal.roomshowerbord[.]com (193.166.255[.]171) and the response is received, containing the following bytes:

Reverse engineering the malware with Ghidra gives the following decompilation:

void entry(void)

  undefined4 *puVar1;
  undefined4 extraout_ECX;
  undefined4 extraout_EDX;
  byte *pbVar2;
  char **local_74;
  _startupinfo local_70;
  int local_6c;
  char **local_68;
  int local_64;
  _STARTUPINFOA local_60;
  undefined *local_1c;
  void *pvStack_14;
  undefined *puStack_10;
  undefined *puStack_c;
  undefined4 local_8;
  puStack_c = &DAT_0040f058;
  puStack_10 = &DAT_0040e0a8;
  pvStack_14 = ExceptionList;
  local_1c = &stack0xffffff74;
  local_8 = 0;
  ExceptionList = &pvStack_14;
  _DAT_00411de8 = 0xffffffff;
  _DAT_0040f030 = 0xffffffff;
  puVar1 = (undefined4 *)__p__fmode();
  *puVar1 = DAT_0040f040;
  puVar1 = (undefined4 *)__p__commode();
  *puVar1 = DAT_0040f020;
  _DAT_00411ddc = *(undefined4 *)_adjust_fdiv_exref;
  if (DAT_00411de4 == 0) {
  local_70.newmode = DAT_00411dd0;
  pbVar2 = *(byte **)_acmdln_exref;
  if (*pbVar2 != 0x22) {
    do {
      if (*pbVar2 < 0x21) goto LAB_0040e01b;
      pbVar2 = pbVar2 + 1;
    } while( true );
  do {
    pbVar2 = pbVar2 + 1;
    if (*pbVar2 == 0) break;
  } while (*pbVar2 != 0x22);
  if (*pbVar2 != 0x22) goto LAB_0040e01b;
  do {
    pbVar2 = pbVar2 + 1;
  } while ((*pbVar2 != 0) && (*pbVar2 < 0x21));
  local_60.dwFlags = 0;
  local_6c = FUN_0040dee8(extraout_ECX,extraout_EDX);
                    /* WARNING: Subroutine does not return */

This executable function is the runtime startup routine that:

  1. Sets up exception handling.
  2. Configures the application type as a console app.
  3. Initializes global variables (e.g., file mode, floating-point settings).
  4. Runs initializers (e.g., C++ constructors) via _initterm.
  5. Retrieves and parses command-line arguments.
  6. Gathers startup information.
  7. Calls the user-defined main function (FUN_0040dee8).
  8. Exits with main’s return value.

We would need the dropped binary to see what the real malware does.


VirusTotal Score18/43

VirusTotal upload shows the file is not signed but has a Product description of “Trend Micro AntiVirus Plus AntiSpyware”. It is categorized as part of the armadillo malware family.

9/94, https://www.virustotal.com/gui/domain/slade.safehousenumber.com
URLScan reaches the domain but produces a blank white page: https://urlscan.io/result/019567f0-6bd6-7669-976e-9da47cfe8b30/

1/94, https://www.virustotal.com/gui/ip-address/
IP is AWS owned and serves many other domains — both legitimate and malicious.
URLScan also shows a blank page: https://urlscan.io/result/01956809-0a45-7eed-925f-fe6e637b1665/

5/94, https://www.virustotal.com/gui/domain/portal.roomshowerbord.com
Known malware C2 domain.

2/94, https://www.virustotal.com/gui/ip-address/
Large Finnish ISP that provides hundreds of resolutions.
URLScan shows the IP does not provide a web page: https://urlscan.io/result/01956a2a-e667-7bb8-9f13-23e97f7e4d0f/


Malware reaches out to C2 for second stage but these are no longer functioning — even though the domains are still alive.





